Continental Grand Prix 4-Season 32-622 rehv, volditav

47.15 €

Aastaringne rehv maanteeratturitele, kelle kilometraaž küündib viiekohaliste arvude peale.

Ustav kaaslane nii treening- kui ka võistlussituatsioonis, sadagu loogu või säragu päike.

Vectran ja DuraSkin tehnoloogia tagavad rehvi sitkuse, vastupidavuse ning torkekindluse. 

Continental Grand Prix 4-Season 32-622mm

Thanks to its DuraSkin™ anti-tear fabric, the Grand Prix 4-Season holds up under extreme conditions. In the Paris –Roubaix race, the “Hell of the North”, cyclists equipped with DuraSkin™ enhanced tyres have the fewest tyre related problems during the race.Very high mileage with excellent grip on wet roads and at low temperatures it stands out.


Robust all-season tires with puncture protection and carefree sovereign durability

Solider tours and training companion of the sun or the rain spares

Excellent puncture protection by double Vectran ™ puncture protection

Excellent grip and high mileage combined with robust riders use side protection

Product Features

ETRTO: 32-622

Dimension: 700 x 32C

Technology: Double Vectran Breaker

Design: foldable

TPI: 330

Bar: 6

Weight: 320g

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