PRO Medi Strap sadulakott

17.10 € 21.40 €

Valitud toote variatsioon/suurus/värv on hetkel otsas!
Koti mahutavus 0.6 liitrit

Pikkus 12 cm, laius 7 cm.

Kinnitub takjaribadega sadula relssidele ja sadulapostile. 

Taga on aas tule jaoks

Designed to provide you with a better sports’ bicycle experience the PRO Strap Saddlebag is a universal saddlebag for storing tools and puncture repair accessories.

Boasting a small size and one side compartment which is more readily accessible than the main pouch, the Strap Saddlebag Mini also features reflective PRO logos on the side and back to enhance your visibility to motorists. 

Universal saddlebag

Medi size = 0.6 liitrit

1 easy-access side compartment

Reflective logos

Made of environmentally PVC-free material

“It all started because we love cycling. From childhood cycling around home. Then making first real bike trip to West-Estonia and islands, with backpack on shoulders...”