Ortlieb QL2.1 E212 ülemine koti kinnitus

13.00 €

Ortlieb kotile ülemine kinnitus. Juhul kui teil kotil on see katki läinud, ei pea kotti ära viskama vaid saate selle osa asendada. 

Palume jälgida QL2 ja QL1/QL3 märgistust teie koti mudelil, need on mudelite spetsiifilised ja üksteisega asendada ei saa.

For all models with the QL2 or QL2.1 system. If the standard mounting hooks are too small to fit on the tubes of your bike rack, simply replace the standard hooks with a set of 16-mm ORTLIEB hooks.


+ 2 QL2.1 mounting hooks (16 mm) and adjustable handle

“It all started because we love cycling. From childhood cycling around home. Then making first real bike trip to West-Estonia and islands, with backpack on shoulders...”