Lääne-Eesti ja Läti Tagasi nimekirja juurde

Need kaks Balti riiki on sarnased mitmel viisil - mõlemal sarnane ajalugu, traditsioonid, loodus, kuid siiski nad erinevad täielikult. Nii Lätis kui Eestis on palju mida tuleks ära näha, et mõlemat paremini tundma õppida.

See tuur viib sind Lääne-Eestisse koos tema romantiliste saarte Hiiumaa, Saaremaa ja Muhuga ning seejärel jätkub suvepealinna Pärnu ning Liivi lahe äärde. Pärast Pärnut liigub tuur läbi Häädemeeste ja Treimanni Lätti.

Pärast Salacgrivat viivad väikesed teed Limbazi, Igate ja Birini. Tee jätkub Siguldasse ja kuulsasse Gauija Rahvusparki kust edasi viib rong Riiga.

Kokku läheb matkaks 12-13 päeva.

Tallinn-Lääne-Eesti ja saared - Riia, hind:

  • 14 päeva / 13 ööd: alates* 915 EUR inimene

* Lõplik hind sõltub majutuse tasemest ja toimuvatest sündmustest

Hind sisaldab:

  • 13 ööd majutust kaheses toas
  • 13 hommikusööki.
  • Kaardid
  • Marsruudikirjeldus: detialne teekonna kirjeldus, vaatamisväärsused, muuseumid,avamisajad, praamigraafikud, soovitused lõuna- ja õhtusöögiks
  • Ratta transport Riiast
  • Kõiki makse


  • Matkaratta rent 14 päeva 182 EUR ratta kohta
  • Single supplement + 360 EUR
  • Ortlieb veekindlate kottide rent 32 EUR / paar
  • Ortlieb lenksurauakoti rent 2 nädalat 20 EUR / kott
  • Praamipiletid ei sisaldu hinnas. Hind alates 3 EUR inimese kohta ja 1.20 EUR ratta kohta. Kokku on 3 ülesõitu

*Shorter (12 days/11 nights) version will take a train to Vasalemma and cycle to Haapsalu (65 km). Then itinerary is the same as below from Day 3.

Day 1: Bike ride from Tallinn to Padise (65 km / 40 miles)
The tour follows the Northern coast of Estonia. Cliffs are followed by sandy beaches. On your way are Türisalu cliff (enjoy the view!) and the third most powerful waterfall in Estonia - Keila-Joa Waterfall. Accommodation is in Padise Manor, located next to the mystic ruins of Padise Monastery.

Day 2: Bike ride from Padise to Haapsalu (55 km /34 miles)
This day is just riding day. Enjoy Estonian diverse nature: the route goes through forests and fields, you will pass some bogs. Day’s highlight is Haapsalu – a charming seaside resort famous for its range of spa hotels and fine beach. The old town is popular too and Haapsalu Castle, haunted by a white lady, hosts many events including various music festivals. Accommodation is in small hotel.

Day 3: Bike ride to island Hiiumaa (38 km /24 miles)
This day the tour takes you to the second largest island in Estonia – Hiiumaa. Formed as a result of a meteorite explosion Hiiumaa is one of the oldest islands in the world. Hiiumaa is known for its lighthouses, unspoilt nature, Kassari and the sense of humour of its inhabitants. After about 1.5 hrs on ferry, the route takes you to Hiiumaa’s capital Kärdla, known of it’s cosy islander atmosphere. Accommodation is in very small guesthouse.

Day 4: bike ride to Saaremaa island (55 km /34 miles)
From Kärdla, route takes you to the South-Hiiumaa and first to Kassari island. On your way is Vaemla Wool Factory, where the yarn is made using authentic machineries from last century. Visit romantic Kassari chapel and take a walk (gnarled junipers all around) to well known Sääre tirp peninsula. In the evening ferry takes you to the largest island in Estonia – Saaremaa. Overnight is in romantic guesthouse. If you love nature, beach and sea, this is the place where to spend more than one night.

Day 5: Ride to the capital of Saaremaa – Kuressaare (51 km /32 miles)
Windmills are considered to be the symbol of Saaremaa. On that day road takes you to Angla Windmill Mount, where you can see the windmills characteristic of the island of Saaremaa, watch a miller at work and taste homemade bread. Make a stop in Kaali field of meteorite craters -the rarest nature wonder in Estonia, being at the same time the most spectacular in Eurasia. Your destination – Kuressaare, is small and charming summer resort known for it’s medieval castle. Accommodation is in small hotel next to the castle, sea and beach.

Day 6: Ride to Koguva and Muhu island (78 km / 48 miles)
This day road takes you to Muhu island. Muhu is the place where time rests – authentic sleepy fishing villages, working windmills, thatched cottages. The day’s highlight is authentic Koguva village and museum - the best preserved 19th century village in Estonia, where all of the buildings are architectural landmarks. Overnight is in authentic tourism farm.

Day 7: Bike ride to Varbla (20 km + 0.5 hrs Ferry + 31 km / 12.4 miles + 0.5 hrs + 19.2 miles)
From Koguva road takes you through Muhu island. Make a stop in Liiva to visit beautiful, early Gothic style Muhu St Catherine’s Church. Ferry takes you back to mainland. Follow the road to the seaside to Varbla. Accommodation is in hotel next to the sea.

Day 8: Bike ride to Pärnu (70 km / 43.5 miles)
Continue to Estonia’s summer capital Pärnu. Pärnu is famous for it’s beach life and made it’s way to the list of Russian imperial resorts already in 1890. Long, white sandy beaches, shallow waters and “the best Sun in Estonia” attract Estonians and visiting guests alike. Make a walk on beautiful beach promenade, visit the old town, take a cup of coffe in Ammende Villa and just enjoy the atmosphere. Overnightin hotel just next to the river, short ride from beach.

Day 9: Bike ride to Salacgriva (70 km / 43.5 miles)
This day you will ride to Latvia. Road takes you through small villages where the sea is just next to you. Climb to bird watching tower in Kabli Bird Station and enjoy fresh baked bread in Kabli village. Accommodation is in Latvian side, in small hotel on the beach.

Day 10: Cycling to Igate (63 km / 39 miles)
Quiet road takes you first to small Latvian village Limbazi. Visit Limbazi medieval Castle Ruins and viewing platform. Overnight is in small village nearby Limbazi.

Day 11: Bike ride to Latvian’s most beautiful town Sigulda (36 km / 22 miles)
Take a break in N. Bomis Bakery to taste fresh baked bread. Take a break to visit Birini manor complex to enjoy the park and manor. Visit famous Turaida Castle and Gutmana Cave just before Sigulda. Take a ride with cable car over Gauja valley, visit the Livonian Order Castle. Accommodation is in small hotel in Sigulda.

Day 12. Train to Riga. Riga (optional cycling)
Take a train to Latvia’s capital Riga. Admire the diverse architecture of Riga, especially the art nouveau buildings - collection that is one of the largest in the world. Talk a walk in Riga Old Town and enjoy a meal one of the many terrasses. Overnight in hotel.

Day 13: Riga and individual departure
After breakfast your bicycle tour to Estonia and Latvia ends. Have a last look to Riga, leave your bikes to the hotel and have a safe trip home.

  • Juhtraua kott koos kaarditaskuga

    Veekindel Ortileb Ultimate juhtrauakott.

    Kinnitub juhtrauale klambriga.

    Rendihind sisaldab kaarditaskut.

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    Laius: 23.5 cm

    Sügavus: 14 cm

    Maht 7L
    NB! Rendime seda ainult koos meie rattaga

    1.50 eur

  • Matkakärud

    Kärude olulisemateks eelisteks rattakottide ees on suurem kandevõime ja madalam raskuskese, mis mõjutavad otseselt ratta juhitavust.

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    Treileri mõõdud: 64cm x 41cm x 46cm

    Koti suurus: 94 liitrit

    Kott on 100% veekindel.

    7.50 eur

  • Garmin käsi GPS

    GPS Garmin Edge 800, meil on rendis üks GPS seade.

    5.00 eur

  • Ratta kompuuter

     Rattakompuuter:  1 EUR päev, 5 EUR nädal

    1.00 eur

  • Pakiraamikotid

    Kvaliteetsed veekindlad rattakotid Ortlieb

    Rendime paarina, 2 x 20 liitrit


    kõrgus: 42 cm
    laius ülevalt: 32 cm
    laius alt: 23 cm
    kaal: 1900 g.
    kahe koti maht: 40 l.

    3.00 eur

  • Kiiver

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    0.00 eur


“It all started because we love cycling. From childhood cycling around home. Then making first real bike trip to West-Estonia and islands, with backpack on shoulders...”